Stand out, engage, share: Menabò at Bluezone tradeshow in Munich.
In a world that, step by step, has finally been able to meet in person again after two years of forced stop, tradeshows have represented essential moments of aggregation and exchange, providing players with a platform to stand out but also, most importantly, to give substance to the need of emotional and relational connection, something that cannot be replaced even when it comes to business relationships.
On 30-31 of August, the international denim community met again for a long-awaited event: Bluezone tradeshow in Munich, a reference point for the streetwear and sportswear markets complementing Munich Fabric Start which focuses on textiles, fashion and accessories. On such an important occasion, Menabò Group was inevitably involved. With over twenty years of experience in the sector, the group once again supported its clients in creating a distinctive and differentiating image. Along with ISKO and ISKO™ Luxury by PG, they designed an exceptional presence within a 98 sqm booth, structured into two areas built around the respective communication concepts – Iconic by Nature and Born to Amaze – and harmonized with a common family feeling. The middle of the stand featured also an installation presenting four special ISKO capsule collections – with the help of mannequins placed on custom-made platforms. Meanwhile, the rest of the space was carefully studied and designed to best display the entire collection, to provide meeting areas, and to host a dedicated catering. To engage and entertain visitors, a video was developed running on the screen provided in the booth, that through a dynamic and compelling pace emphasised the key points of the company and its quality products. With sustainability in mind, extra attention was given to the production of the booth and its elements, reusing already existing panels as well as choosing corrugated cardboard as material to create the new ones.
In addition to designing the booth and liaising with the tradeshow, Menabò Group handled the press office and PR activity both for ISKO and for other clients among which stand out Elleti Group and Officina39, setting up interviews and meetings with journalists from the most important international B2B media.
Furthermore, Menabò Group was invited for the second consecutive year to be part of the jury of the BLUE LENZ DENIM VIDEO AWARDS, a contest organised by Lenzing, the leader in the production of high-quality fibres for the textiles sector. Based on over 430 videos created by industry players, selected and grouped into six categories, we offered our expertise for the selection and election of the best content, unveiled during the awards ceremony held at the Bluezone fair in Munich. An unmissable opportunity to celebrate, once again, the unique power of well-told stories that convey knowledge and emotions, opening windows to distant worlds. Videos are a unique and essential communication tool, full of potential that Menabò has been able to harness over the years, specialising in the analysis and expression of narrative codes of several business industries.