The collaboration between Menabò and PhotoSì, a leading Italian company in the photographic printing sector, continues. The company changed its look during the 2018 Christmas holidays, setting out a new creative framework for the coming season.
The now familiar claim “print your emotions” is once again the campaign theme, embodying the company’s lively and contagious mood, taking on a new look and focusing on an element of novelty that hints at previous campaigns.

The fil rouge that has marked the continuity between the two seasons is a Polaroid print. It partially covers and actively interacts with a real face, sparking immediate empathy. The image shows almost tangibly the joy of a gift – a printed photograph – and this is the core of the message: once printed, a memory comes to life.

Menabò’s creative team was also involved in the production of POP materials, brochures and posters for small and large retailers.

The unexpected asset of the campaign was a television commercial. We produced it in collaboration with “Eshu ADV” in two versions, 15 and 30 seconds long. It aired starting in early December on the Discovery terrestrial digital channels: Nove, RealTime and Food Network. The commercial is also posted on all official PhotoSì social media profiles.