Menabò with Sabbatani’s “buone scelte” at the new tradeshow, FierAvicola in Rimini.
A new edition, new location, a newly-styled booth, finally once again in person, and a brand new video produced by Menabò: Sabbatani’s world of Good Choices shone at the FierAvicola tradeshow that took place in for the first time ever in Rimini from the 7th to the 9th of September. The simultaneous staging of FierAvicola with the fruit and vegetable show, Macfrut, made for a truly significant event for the entire agrifood business.
The well-being of livestock was one of the major topics dominating discussions at the event. That is why this company, one of the leaders in the commercialization and management of the entire egg business production chain, chose to produce a video which, through a mixture of live action and animated infographics, would clearly illustrate its commitment to this aspect of production.